Special Fragment - Birth of MR MUSHSANG
(2023 Jan)
Animation : MR MISANG
Sound : Project GMGN((Hwaji, Limbo Slice, ARCX)
3min 33sec 2d animation, 12&24 mixed frames
AfterEffect, Photoshop, Blender 3d
Minted at 9th Jan 2022
Between May 20th and June 10th 2022, 4,933 SpecialFragments were issued and kept unrevealed. On January 9th 2022, the metadata was updated with the completed work.
🤔"Worked in ALONE? How??"🤔​​​​​​​
If you're interested in learning more about the story behind this anime, you can find additional information by clicking 👉here👈
🤔"So, What's this animation for?"🤔
The comic 'Fragments' is a component of the artwork roadmap for GhostsProject, a 10,000 PFP art project established by MR MISANG and OFF. The majority of the artwork is in the form of still images, but a few are animated, as demonstrated below. All 187 Fragments are 1/1 art pieces, created solely by MR MISANG.
The community was given the opportunity to decide the ending of the story by casting their vote for either the GOOD or EVIL outcome. 187 Fragments (NFTs) were randomly distributed among Ghosts users who participated in the voting process.
Sleeping Beauty
Modern Life is Rubbish
Modern Life is Rubbish (MLIR) is an animated series about an ordinary person who accidentally awakens and sees the world in a different way. Described as a self-contained narrative, this animated series reappears as part of a story called GhostsProject-Fragments described below.
Modern Life is Rubbish (MLIR) was issued in early 2021 on SuperRare, the world's leading 1/1 NFT art platform. The series consists of a total 12 of 1/1 works,Â
#01-#11 sold for a total of 837.7 ETH.
Masked Workers
In this work, MR MISANG dealt with a virtual world where infection by mushrooms began to progress. This piece was once again explained in the GhostsProject-Fragments story below.
Masked Workers issued by Nifty Gateway.Â
Every 'workers' has their own story and sound. The sounds of the 24 tracks have been merged into one piece of music from the 1/1 song above.
sold out.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Jack of Clubs​​​​​​​
sold out.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
MR MISANG & Crypto World
This work is the last piece of Modern Life is Rubbish.
MR MISANG exhibited his entire series, Modern Life is Rubbish, in an NFT gallery called CryptoVoxels. And he made the above animation using the exhibition hall itself as a space. MR MISANG comes out of the works hanging in the gallery and walks through the virtual gallery, leaving traces. Wait, What is the 'virtual'?
This small series Crevasse #01-05Â was born from the above animation. It describes what happened to the protagonist after pushed that RED button in the above gallery.
sold out.
Currently only available at Korean market.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
👻PFP art project👻
GhostsProject is a PFP (Picture For Profile) Art Project. In January 2022, all 10K avatars were sold. 'Fragments' were presented as an Artwork Roadmap, and 187 1/1 Fragments were issued and randomly distributed to users. Fragments is a comic that ties all of MR MISANG's previous NFT works together.
Artwork Roadmap(done.9th Jan, 2023)
10k Ghosts lived in the above stories. You can possess your Ghosts and act as your Ghosts by using MYTYcam
All Ghosts are citizens who lived in the world of MR MISANG, portrayed in various ways through the above works. Through the full story of Fragments, you can see what the world of Ghosts was like and how the world of MR MISANG is integrated through GhostsProject - Fragments.
sold out.
Summon your Ghost​​​​​​​
👻GhostsProject = CC0 Project👻​​​​​​​
Ghost Project is a CC0 project. All Ghosts avatars, Fragments, and SpecialFragments included in the project can be freely used or recreated by anyone, regardless of whether they own NFTs or not. In particular, the original psd file of Fragments can be downloaded from the GhostsProject homepage.
👻MR MISANG X Community👻
MR MISANG made this NFTÂ [Keep Ghoing!]Â
WITH GhostsProject community. ​​​​​​​
The artwork has been airdropped to all participants who participated in the
artwork, 🗳Gip-1 vote, 🗳Gip-1 (resubmitted) vote.
artwork, 🗳Gip-1 vote, 🗳Gip-1 (resubmitted) vote.
👻Music, Dance from the Community👻
👻IRL events BY Community👻
Yum Ghosts Yum
COCHANG Exhibition
And more....
GhostsProject = DAO
Ghost Project is operated as a DAO system.
All secondary transaction fees for [10k Ghosts, Fragments, and Special Fragments]Â
All secondary transaction fees for [10k Ghosts, Fragments, and Special Fragments]Â
go to GhostsProject treasury, a joint asset of DAO.
All Ghosts users can use DAO proposal system.
Special Fragment, AGAIN.
All of these are MR MISANG Phase-1 that took place during 2021 Jan - 2023 Jan in the NFT - Crypto Art Scene. And the animation above is the conclusion of the entire Phase 1. It will be entertaining to revisit all the works in the timeline above, primarily focusing on GhostsProject ~ Fragments
You don't have to buy NFTs to enjoy my art. But in case of you want to own some of them, you can buy them below.
To be continued in MR MISANG Phase-2. ​​​​​​​