You are loading beautiful things.

2021, Superrare
#01. Odd Dream
"Odd dream. Something dressed in yellow came inside his head."
Collector : franzjager
#02. Work or Life & Early Sketches of MLIR
"A bad morning as always. Trying to recall last night's dream but it only caused a damn headache. What was that? Anyway it's time to go to work now."
Collector : anonymous
#03. Way to work
"Something's wrong. Got a really bad headache.
But have to go to work no matter what happens. That's life."
Collector : gblsts
#04. Birth of Mr Misang
"He exploded with a weird sound. Now he doesn't have to suffered at a headache and doesn't have to go to work.
By the way, is he dead or...?"
Collector : bluest_chips
#05. Birth of Franken AJE
"He revived. Congrats! Anyone can revive if he or she has holy glue and resurrection nail."
*AJE means a middle aged man in Korean word.
Collector : gblsts
#06. Rebels
"Now they see opposite way, and walk opposite way. Did he get freedom now?
...Let's see what happens next."
Collector : clementdubois
#08. Packed subway
"They hate each other for various reasons. Complex, complex. Scenery of every typical morning."
Collector : gblsts
#09. Company entrance
"Finally arrived at the entrance of the company. It always feels like entering into a brutal dungeon of the jungle."
'정시출근' means 'Go to work at the right time' in Korean.
Collector : gblsts
#10. Pantheon
"Company lobby. Before entering the office, people are praying to their own God.
What do you believe? Praying for what?"
Collector : gblsts
#11. Money Factory
"Dollar is fragile. Do you agree? ...or not?"
Last Sold 200eth ($504,868)
Collector : gblsts
#12. Mr Misang & Crypto World
"Mr Misang is walking, breathing, and leaving his traces in the Crypto world. Wait, What is the Crypto World?"
Stolen due to hacking. (8th oct 2024)

Space Hard rock Machine
Last Sold 88eth ($351,000) - donated half for carbon credit
Collector : SaltyPopcorns

2021, NiftyGateway
Masked Workers (1/1)
There were two ways to collect this work. You had to be the first to collect all 25 types of workers, or pay $150,000 to buy them right away. As soon as the work was released, a collector immediately paid to collect it.
Collector : Ely Trader


2023~2024 Summer.